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Main Lawn

This is the place where it all starts, the place where Your adventure of perpetual lawn mowing and Boss Genocide begins, the lawn is tiny, but not enough to make it bad, but its also not big, in one side of the lawn, you have a little shop owned by a Grey Character of little importance, he sells Lawn Packs, buying them with Tickets gives you access to some Lawns, on the other side, infront of the shop, there is a big house of 2 floors, though the 2nd floor is normally unreachable, inside of the house, there will be 2 Portals, a Yellow Portal leading to a place where you can go teleport to other Lawns, the other Portal is a Blue one, which will lead you to the Boss Hub.

Image Of The Grey Character And His Shop
House Front View
View Of The Lawn

Grey Shopkeeper, Image Of The House and Image of The Entire Lawn.

Old Mountain Shrine

One of the 2 Lawns that you can go first after buying the Lawn Pack 1, The Player spawns in an Mountain top filled with grass, on the biggest Mountain there is a Wooden House which The Player cannot enter for some reason, the other Mountains are connected with wooden bridges, and in one of them, there is a tiny graveward, nothing much to complement here, other than the fact that The House used to be a Teleport to an boss called The Ark, but he is not MML:T, for now.

Lower Angle Photo Of The Mountain

One Angle Of The Mountain, Another Angle Of The Mountain and an Image of The Graveyard.

Abyssal Forge

One of the 2 Lawns that you can go first after buying the Lawn Pack 1, it takes place probably inside of a volcano or atleast in a place with alot of lava, contains 2 Lawns, the first one stands outside, after you cross the bridge, the grass in there is very close to each other, so its quite a good place for mowing, the second Lawn is inside the Black Tower, in there it acts just like the main lawn grass, except closer to each other blade of grass like in the first Lawn, inside of the place, there is a giant furnace with hot fire in there, next to it there is a stair which you can barely see, going up to these stairs will lead you to the 2nd floor of the Black Tower, there is a giant, red window in there, as well a some torches that were on the first floor, there is also holes on the ground and walls and there is an entrance leading The Player to a bridge with a red and black Portal in the end, the portal leads to Goddess Senti.

Furnace Lawn Room

A Photo Showing The First Lawn, A Photo Showing The Furnace Lawn Room, And Lastly A Photo Showing The Bridge To The Portal.

Abyssal Garden

The Only lawn currently avaiable from Lawn Pack 2, Requires the Death of An Archdemon, this place is almost entirely devoid of life, with only the dark grass being in there, the sky is pitch black and the Lawn is located at a giant Mountain Top, here is the portal to Abyssal Reaper Inti (which is not in the game yet) would be, and there is a secret boss in here in the depts of a cave, this place also has a eerie ambient sound, so this place is rather creepy.

Portal Of Inti

The Abyssal Lawn, An Image Of The Portal Leading To Inti, And A Photo Of The Place Leading To The Secret Boss.