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Monarch Yenti

Yenti is a Raid Boss in MOW MY LAWN: TWEAKED

She can be fought after defeating Gemini, She is located at the Yellow Portal, which is next to Gemini's portal, Though its preferably to go to Yenti after gaining Archspear or Hellfire Candle.

Boss Information

Defeat archgoddess Yenti, who became the ruler of all reality after Llin was banished to the void. Yenti was the one to throw the supreme deity into the abyss, with Ultiel by her side. The great battle beforehand had sent the two of them into trauma-induced bouts of rage. It would be centuries before Yenti had recovered, and sent Ultiel to an unbreachable prison for "care". Consumed by an overwhelming passion for physical goods and pleasure, she barricaded herself in the throneroom that once housed bountiful feasts and joyous celebrations. - Yenti Badge Description, The Depraved One

Yenti is one of the 4 Archgoddesses needed to defeat to gain access to the first Final Boss of the game, She has 750000 HP, and She also has 2 Phases, A Similar Mechanic to the Archdemon Astara, She has a 250000 Shield HP, as for the Player, You have 5 Lives. Defeating Her will give you The Last Resort.

She wears White and Golden Yellow Clothing, She uses a helmet with the same yellow color, as well as having a White Ring behind her back, which has 6 Golden Yellow Wings, She has 4 arms, 2 of them are holding Swords, and the other 2 (totally coated in gold) are holding Spears in the air.


When the fight starts, you will be greeted by a pack of Robots, all of them, except one, have an Yellow aura shield, coming from the shield, a line traces to a Yellow Force Field, which, inside, lies Yenti. back to the robots, one of them will not have an aura shield, that one will always attack the nearest player, if the player is far from the bot, it will shoot a bunch of Blue Projectiles, which can kill the Player if he doesnt Dodge or roll, if the player is close to the bot, it will use an claw attack that will damage the player AND knock them out for a few seconds, they can also teleport to an random area of the map, though it wont always happen if you and your teammates are fast enough to kill the with the bots, with this, its recomended to kill the Unshielded Bot first and then go after the shielded ones, Once you kill all the bots remaining on the map (except for the Unshielded ones), Phase 2 and the Real Fight BEGINS.

Yenti has a variety of attacks, and She can even summon Bots to help Her, its recommended that one player distracts her (if the person has Archspear, they can use it to damage Yenti and gain health) and the others use powerful weapons like Last Resort or Thistleblade to quickly damage Yenti, if she summons a bot to aid her, one player (atleast, a experienced one) should try to kill the bot quickly before they do more trouble, if done all good, then the fight should be easy, but one might lose a few lifes here and there.



